
It is currently 22 degrees outside with the windchill making it feel about 10 degrees.
Last night moosebraying and I realized that the electronic iginition on our furnace wasn’t kicking on. In other words, it would come on but blow cold air. Nothing else gas powered is having any issues (i.e. hot water heater, stove). . .
Guess this is what we got that home owners warranty for. Hopefully it’s something small like the ignitor or the flame sensor.
It couldn’t have happened at a worse time considering the weather. Bundling up to go to bed last night was a joy and I’m still battling this ick/cold thing (it’s moved to my chest so I was up most of the night coughing).
moosebraying is calling the warranty policy people today to get a referral. If we go on our own and find someone to fix this it voids the policy which covers full replacement on a lot of expensive items (i.e. hot water heater, furnace, heat pump, plumbing) for a $100 deductible.
Ah the joys of home ownership, eh?

I’m off to work here shortly.
Happy Friday!!!
later days

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